What will the Kids Learn
The Mousetrap Machine Show is a science assembly STEAM program that combines Science, Math and Art to teach students about how five simple machines work:





Murphy the Mouse is causing havoc in the house! The kids have to build a ridiculous mouse trap before it is too late. Many student volunteers are used to aid in the construction of this working machine. Student knowledge of how machines work and their eagerness to set their trap in motion makes this an enjoyable show for everyone involved.
Will they do it?
Will Murphy the Mouse get caught?

Who is this for?
This show is for you if you are located in Ontario and you can relate to one of the following:

We are a School that loves educational science shows (grade 2-6)

We are a Library that needs creative science content

We are a Museum that desires a new interactive event
The top acquired skills and benefits of this show are:

Working Together

Problem Solving Skills

Using Common Objects

Learning Science Terms
3 most popular packages

Enjoy a wonderful educational show for one classroom or Library!

Save on travel and set up time by having two fabulous shows!

We will perform as many educational interactive science shows as we can squeeze in for one amazing price!


Questions and Answers
Does this assembly fit into our school’s curriculum?
Yes! The Mousetrap Machine show was updated and reviewed to fit the Ontario School Scinece Curriculum, especially Grades 2, 3 and 5.
How long is the show, and how much space do you need?
Each show is approximately 45 minutes long. A minimum of 20 feet by 8 feet is required for the performance. Higher ceilings (8 feet +) can lead to more hilarity. This can increase with the size of the audience. The show fits into most School Libraries for 1 or 2 classes, or a small gym for more than 2 classes.
Who made the original show?
In 1996 Larry Moss wrote “How to Catch a Mouse” as a presentation for a single elementary school class. The response to the first performance was so positive that Larry decided this concept needed to be developed further for larger audiences. It evolved from a simple presentation to a theatrical stage show suitable for elementary school assembly programs and children’s museums.
We are a small school, can we have one show for the entire school?
Of course and everyone will have a fun time! To get the most educational value, we may recommend a number of shows depending on the age range and overall audience size.
What do we need to provide?
The show is self contained! All we will need is a standard power outlet, 60 minutes of setup time, the performance space as listed, and kids who are ready to have fun!
Are there follow up materials?
Yes! Check out our “class resources” at the bottom of the page or click here for downloadable content designed to help review the material in the classroom!
How far in advance do we need to book a show?
Drew can book as much as a year in advance, but also have some dates open only 4 weeks before, so it just depends on what other dates have already been booked. It’s best to have two or three dates available so that you are able to get something that works for you.
Book and Check Availability
Sign up the form below to book us.


Kitchener, Ontario


(519) 500-6640
Simple Machines 2020. www.howtocatchamouse.com