live Shows
CREATURES of whimsy
Perfect for Schools, Camps, Libraries, Fairs & Festivals.
It’s feeding time at a traveling zoo of impossible creatures. It’s like a magic show, but with creatures!
Creatures of Whimsy is an enchanting Family show that takes viewers on a delightful adventure!
It feels like a magic show as each unique creature arrives to be cared for. The air is filled with wonder creating an atmosphere of enchantment and excitement. The sight of these impossible creatures enjoying their meals creates a sense of wonderment, as if witnessing a truly magical spectacle that brings dreams and imagination to life.

The Balloon Making Machine
Perfect for any celebration big or small.
This new one-of-a-kind live show will wow children and adults at your next event.
Think of this show like a magic show, except that every stage involves balloons. Drew infuses the show with humour and creativity, sparking the imagination of audience members as they are pulled on stage to become part of the experience.
Theatre of Whimsy
Perfect for Theatre, Fairs & Festivals.
The Theatre of Whimsy offers an exclusive sneak peek into the silly world of performance art. Come watch an actual Doctor, an Idiot, and a Teacher, all perform with one simple rule:
Each performance must use at least one balloon.
Debuted in 2019 in the Creative Capital of Canada, this theatre based show is now available!
How to Catch
A Mouse
Perfect for Schools, Camps, Libraries, Fairs & Festivals.
Balloons are used to construct a Rube Goldberg-style mousetrap which is intended to solve the problem of a mouse on the loose. Many volunteers are used to assist in the construction of the machine. The audience and volunteers are eager to set the trap in motion.
Specifically Designed for the school curriculum, this show was developed by Larry Moss and is now taught in many countries. It is a fun way to talk about simple machines!