Sector Partner Experience

Students in your SHSM program can now fulfill their Sector Partner Experience with us!

What we do

SHSM students will embark on an enriching journey as they fulfill their SPE component requirements through our immersive experiential learning program. During this unique initiative, participants will not only receive comprehensive training in Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (I.C.E), but also delve into coding and math literacy, contextualized within their learning experience. Furthermore, all students will have the opportunity to explore the intricacies of the design thinking process and a business model canvas


Real world problem based learning

Focus areas including innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship (I.C.E), coding and mathematical literacy

Hands on coding and technology use

SHSM Sectors Covered


Information Communication Technology








And more

The process

Students will be presented with a persona or issue, and then challenged to design, build and present a solution.

Students are given a future business task for a potential company

Students are then introduced to a persona and an issue they face

Students will be presented with a persona or issue, and then challenged to design, build and present a solution.

Using the Business Canvas Model, students will develop a business model for their solution.

Students learn about the design thinking process and then apply it to solve their persona's issue.

Students are provided with a certification of completion

The Results

SHSM students will fulfill their SPE component requirements through our in personal experiential learning program, and receive training in Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (I.C.E). contextualized coding, and math literacy

Student Robotic Projects

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